- What is a VAT Number? Is VAT Number Same as GST?
- Is VAT Number Different from GST?
- How to Get a VAT / GST Number
- Registering Online
- Other Ways to Register
- When to Register for VAT/GST Number
- After Registering for VAT/GST Number in Australia
- VAT/GST Credits in Australia
- Клуб владельцев корейских автомобилей
- пробивка VIN
- пробивка VIN
- Re: пробивка VIN
- Re: пробивка VIN
- VAT country guides
- Ending the tyranny of tax engine implementations
- Tax Number Formats Around the World
- What is a Tax Number?
What is a VAT Number? Is VAT Number Same as GST?
A Value Added Tax Identification Number or VAT Identification Number (VATIN) is an identifier used in many countries for value added tax purposes. Mainly in the European Union, a VAT Identification Number can be verified online at the official EU VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) website. You can also use this website to confirm that the number is currently valid and to view the name or other identifying details of the organization that was assigned the number.
This VAT number – or VAT registration number – is a unique code issued to companies which are registered to pay VAT. Businesses can always find their own number on the VAT registration certificate issued by HMRC, while the numbers for other businesses should be stated on any invoice they issue.
Is VAT Number Different from GST?
VAT number in Australia is referred to as GST and it stands for Goods and Services Tax. It is a form of Value Added Tax that is charged in countries like Australia, India, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, and Hong Kong. GST works in the same way as VAT in that it is a consumption tax that is imposed upon the cost of goods and services.
Note that if you don’t check a VAT number and you end up entering an invalid number on your return, then you could invalidate your invoice and HMRC could disallow your tax input claim – leaving you counting the cost and facing a big paperwork headache. Most times, errors with VAT numbers come from innocent mistakes but there are instances in which some people try to fraudulently use someone else’s VAT Number. Luckily, it is not difficult to perform a quick check.
Although there are some items that are exempt from VAT or are charged at a zero rate (meaning that the government does not currently charge VAT for these items but could in the future), the price of most goods/ services is affected by VAT. Although VAT is a type of tax, it is an indirect tax, meaning that the government doesn’t collect it directly from customers. Instead, businesses collect the tax themselves before repaying it to the government.
As with VAT, you will be expected to register for GST and the penalties for failing to do so can be significant, so it is best not to put off registration once you become aware that GST applies to your business. Although VAT is a type of tax, it is an indirect tax, meaning that the government doesn’t collect it directly from customers. Instead, businesses collect the tax themselves before repaying it to the government.
How to Get a VAT / GST Number
If you are liable for goods and services tax (GST) you are expected to register within 21 days of meeting the eligibility requirements. To register for GST you will need an Australian Business Number (ABN). It is simple to register for GST yourself and it costs nothing.
Registering Online
- You can get your CAN, ABN and register for GST with the Business Registration Service.
- You can also register for GST through the ATO business portal.
The business portal is the primary way for businesses to communicate with the ATO. It is also where you will submit your business activity statements (BAS). You can also submit your BAS via online accounting software.
Other Ways to Register
When to Register for VAT/GST Number
If you are not registered for GST, check each month to see if you have reached the threshold, or are likely to exceed it. You need to register within 21 days of your GST turnover exceeding the relevant threshold. You are expected to register for GST:
- Once your business or enterprise has a GST turnover (gross income minus GST) of $75,000 or more (see Working out your GST turnover)
- Once you start a new business and expect your turnover to reach the GST threshold (or more) in the first year of operation
- If you are already in business and have reached the GST threshold
- If your non – profit organisation has a GST turnover of $150,000 per year or more
- Once you provide taxi or limousine travel for passengers (including ride – sourcing) regardless of your GST turnover – this applies to both owner drivers and if you lease or rent a taxi
- If you want to claim fuel tax credits for your business or enterprise.
After Registering for VAT/GST Number in Australia
After registering for goods and services tax (GST) you are expected to:
VAT/GST Credits in Australia
Goods and services tax (GST) credits, also referred to as tax input credits, can be claimed for business purchases made that included GST in the price. Have it in mind that GST paid for in these expenses becomes the GST credit amount. GST credits are claimed in your business activity statement (BAS).
Also note that the total amount of your GST credits can be offset against the GST you are liable to pay the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). If your GST credits are greater than the amount of GST you are liable to pay, you are entitled to a refund. To claim GST credits you are expected to:
- Be registered for GST
- Claim credits for business purchases. For purchases that are used both for business and private purposes, you can claim a GST credit for the portion used for business.
- Have purchased the item in the past four years
- Have a tax invoice for purchases over $82.50 (including GST)
- Have a form of receipt for purchases under $82.50 (including GST)
- Check your suppliers are registered for GST with the Australian Business Register’s ABN Lookup tool.
You can register for goods and services tax (GST) online, by phone or through your registered tax or BAS agent when you first register your business or at any later time. This is called ‘standard GST’ registration. However, you only need to register for GST once, even if you operate more than one business.
If you don’t register for GST and are required to, you may have to pay GST on sales made since the date you were required to register. This could happen even if you didn’t include GST in the price of those sales.
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пробивка VIN
пробивка VIN
ASHER » 11 окт 2020, 06:16
Уважаемые коллеги, столкнулся с проблемой пробивки VIN номеров KIA, в частности моего СARNIVAL
Изучил форум, данные не совсем актуальные.
Есть Мобис. Как на него войти? Как узнать логин или пароль?
Есть Хотлайн. Там просит какой-то VAT/GST code. Кто его знает или есть другие пути?
https://www.kia-hotline.com/euro5/jsp/r … tion.tiles
Есть на корейском сайте раздел kia red members, но там тоже никак не зарегистрироваться. номер телефона местный система не применяет.
Пожалуйста, подскажите, как пробить VIN kia на предмет комплектации и других значений. Очень нужно
ASHER Рядовой
Стаж: 2 года 10 месяцев 3 дня Сообщения: 2 Автомобиль: KIA CARNIVAL Год выпуска: 2020
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Re: пробивка VIN
AndreS » 11 окт 2020, 10:04
AndreS Генерал-лейтенантВозраст: 47 Стаж: 14 лет 6 месяцев 11 дней Сообщения: 11532 Откуда: Москва Имя: Andre Автомобиль: CEED FL 2.0, мешалка Год выпуска: 2010 Поблагодарили:1109 раз. Награды: 1
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Re: пробивка VIN
p-taurus » 11 окт 2020, 11:32
Диагностика дилерского уровня дилерским сканером KIA\Hyundai — KDS\Hyundai Mobile
Чиптюнинг всего что движется. Теперь и Тойота!
p-taurus ПодполковникВозраст: 44 Стаж: 11 лет 6 месяцев 7 дней Сообщения: 4175 Откуда: Москва Статьи:1Имя: Павел Автомобиль: IX55 V6 3.8 Petrol Год выпуска: 2012 Поблагодарили:345 раз. Награды: 2
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VAT country guides
Our country VAT and GST country guides provide the key compliance and reporting obligation information for the countries below. This includes: rates; time of supply rules; registration obligations; invoice requirements; compliance rules; VAT returns, other filings and live or e-invoicing. .
Ending the tyranny of tax engine implementations
VAT Calc makes tax engine and reporting implementations fast and inexpensive | |
1. Calculations based on global tax rules so you’re ready to go! | We have codified all national tax legislation, EU VAT Directives and OECD guidance so are ready for any transaction before you even take VAT Calc out of the box. This means no need to write, code and test extensive manual rules, which then need long-term support (= invoices!) from outside consultants. We already have all the complexity of any use case ready-to-go out of the box: triangulation; 2021 EU ecommerce reforms; gig & sharing economy taxes; customs and warehouse exemptions and the rest of your wish list. |
2. Single endpoint = simplicity and cost saving | Whether for tax calculations, verification and returns preparation, VAT Calc’s single API endpoint means economies of scale as just one scheme to adopt |
3. One scheme for ease | You will only need to adopt one naming scheme for all VAT calculation, auditing and returns processes rather than having your teams and systems adopt different naming conventions for different tools. Plus this makes API adaptation straightforward. |
4. VAT Script enables user to adjust for harmonisation | VAT Calc’s VAT Script allows users to live update code for customisations without internal IT or ERP technical support or external Professional Services help in the back system. |
5. Self-help mapping tool (ETL) | This enables users to connect source data to VAT Calc’s internal data fields. This saves on external support on mapping, including investigating bugs. |
6. Single calculation and compliance platform kills tax codes and data errors | Our single application understands the transaction from calc to reporting, so it doesn’t need to make-up or maintain a painful piece of unreadable tax mumbo-jumbo. |
It also means you won’t need lots of data exchanges, with headache-inducing reconciliation problems, between your tax calculation and reporting processes. It’s all on one platform! | |
7. Light connector strategy | We can deploy our ‘light connector’ which avoids the traditional arduous process of building a daily-transaction connector – reducing implementation costs and project time by a huge amount. |
Tax Number Formats Around the World
In this article, we delve into the intricacies of Tax Identification Numbers (TINs), primarily focusing on those employed for consumption taxes like VAT, GST, Sales tax, and more. Across global jurisdictions, understanding the format and validation of these unique identifiers is crucial, as they provide insight into taxable activities, the nature of transactions, the type of entities involved, and tax remittance procedures.
We look not only into the multifaceted aspects of TINs and the importance of their validation, but we also illustrate the discussion with practical examples from tax number formats from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania.
What is a Tax Number?
Also known as a Tax Identification Number (TIN), a Tax Number is a unique identifier issued to taxpayers engaging in taxable activities in a specific country. This number, which can be a combination of letters and numbers, serves as a signal that the taxpayer is officially registered with the relevant tax authority.
Any taxpayer can hold a Tax Number from individuals and businesses to trusts and other legal entities. Furthermore, taxpayers can possess multiple TINs if they conduct taxable activities in more than one jurisdiction — there’s no cap on the number of TINs a person or entity can have.
Interestingly, while every VAT/GST/Sales tax number is a type of Tax Number, the reverse isn’t necessarily true; not all TINs are VAT/GST/Sales tax numbers. For instance, in Latin America, countries like Argentina, Mexico, and Colombia have a unified tax number that covers all forms of taxation, be it income tax, VAT, gift tax, or inheritance tax. In contrast, European Union countries often differentiate TINs based on the tax type.
To illustrate, in the Netherlands, the BSN (Citizen Service Number) applies to income tax related to employment or general communication with the tax authority. But for VAT purposes, the Dutch use a different tax number, the Btw-identificatienummer.