- Inspect water pump when replacing the drive belt or timing belt.
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- 75,000 miles
- 82,500 miles
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- 97 ,500 miles
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- KIA Sorento II. Модели с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновым G4KE (2,4 л) и дизельным D4HB (2,2 л CRDI) двигателями. Устройство, техническое обслуживание и ремонт
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Inspect water pump when replacing the drive belt or timing belt.
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7 ,500 miles
15,000 miles
22,500 miles
30,000 miles
37 ,500 miles
45,000 miles
52,500 miles
60,000 miles
67 ,500 miles
75,000 miles
82,500 miles
90,000 miles
97 ,500 miles
100,000 miles
105,000 miles
When your vehicle requires service, remember that your dealer knows your vehicle best. Y our dealer has factory-trained technicians, recommended
Se e you r Ow ne r ’s Ma nu al f or m or e det ai ls a nd co mp le te ma in ten an ce i nf orm ati on , in cl ud ing s eve re m ai nte na nce s ch ed ul e.
F eatures & Functions Guide
www.kia.com Consumer / Roadside Assistance: 1-800-333-4KIA ( 4542) SIRIUS Customer Care: 1- 88 8-539 -SIRIUS (7474) See Back Cover for Vehicle Maintenance Schedule
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Manual Kia Sorento (2009)
Need a manual for your Kia Sorento (2009)? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.
Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.
Let us know what you think about the Kia Sorento (2009) by leaving a product rating. Want to share your experiences with this product or ask a question? Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.
My car has a timing chain, what is the replacement interval for it? Verified With normal use, a timing chain should last the entire lifespan of the car and does not need to be replaced.
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I can’t open one or more of the doors from the inside, why is that? Verified The child safety lock is probably activated. This can often be deactivated with a mechanism in the door.
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How often should I change my oil? Verified Almost every car has its own exact guideline, but in general it’s wise to change your oil every 10.000 to 15.000 kilometers or once every year. Polluted oil can cause serious damage to the engine over time.
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When should the airbag on the side of the passenger seat be switched off? Verified When driving with a child in a car seat on the passenger seat, the airbag on that side should be switched off. This is also advisable for children up to 12 years old that take place in the passenger seat. This is to prevent injuries in case of an accident.
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The car keys won’t unlock the car from a distance anymore, why is that? Verified Car keys that can unlock from a distance generally work with a battery. When it runs out, the key won’t work anymore. Replace the battery and try again.
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Will a lower tire pressure result in more grip when driving in the snow? Verified No, although the tires will have more surface in contact with the road with a lower pressure, it will nevertheless result in less stability. Always drive with the correct tire pressure!
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I filled my car with the wrong fuel, what should I do? Verified Do not drive! It does not matter wether you put diesel in a gasoline car or gasoline in a diesel car. In both cases it can cause damage to the enige and/or other parts of the car. Contact roadside assistance.
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Where can I find the VIN number of my car? Verified This can vary between brands and models, but on many cars the VIN number can be found on the door jamb, under the hood or on the metal flooring at the front seat.
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How often should I replace the blades on my windscreen wipers? Verified It’s advisable to replace the wiper blades at least once a year. Signs that the blades need to be replaced are streaking, leaving a haze, making noise or the rubber coming off.
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How many miles is one kilometer? Verified One kilometer equals 0,621 mile. Ten kilometers makes 6,21 miles. One mile equals 1,609 kilometer. Ten miles makes 16,09 kilometers.
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What is the VIN number? Verified VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number and is a unique number that every car has. This makes the car indentifyable after for example a crash or in the case of a recall. It also allows a car to be identified in the case the number plates are missing.
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Can I use the windscreen wipers while there is ice on the windscreen? Verified No, this is not advisable. Ice is sharp and can damage the rubber on the wiper blades.
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KIA Sorento II. Модели с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновым G4KE (2,4 л) и дизельным D4HB (2,2 л CRDI) двигателями. Устройство, техническое обслуживание и ремонт
В руководстве дается пошаговое описание процедур по эксплуатации, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Kia Sorento с 2009 года выпуска, оборудованных бензиновым G4KE (2,4 л) и дизельным D4HB (2,2 л CRDI) двигателями. Издание содержит руководство по эксплуатации, подробные сведения по техническому обслуживанию автомобиля и диагностике, ремонту и регулировке систем двигателя (в т.ч. системы впрыска топлива бензинового двигателя, топливной системы Common Rail дизельного двигателя, зажигания, турбонаддува, запуска и зарядки), рекомендации по регулировке и ремонту механических и автоматических коробок передач, раздаточной коробки, элементов тормозной системы (включая антиблокировочную систему тормозов (ABS), систему электронного перераспределения тормозных усилий (EBD), систему курсовой устойчивости (ESP)), рулевого управления и подвески. Приведены инструкции по использованию самодиагностики системы управления двигателем, АКПП, ABS, ESP, системы управления подключением.
Роман, Астрахань, 31.03.2017
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Дарья, Одесса, 27.12.2016
Я что-то о вашем сайте от коллег слышала. Кто-то спец литературу скачивал у вас. Подзабыла вскоре об этом, пока не решила чего-нибудь в поездку не скачать. А когда выпал в поиске вспомнила) «KIA Sorento II. Модели с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновым G4KE (2,4 л) и дизельным D4HB (2,2 л CRDI) двигателями. Устройство, техническое обслуживание и ремонт» скачала. В командировку отправилась с еще 3 книжками от вас. Только код надо ввести и все. Я не платила ничего кстати.
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